Monday, April 23, 2007


Time left unbridled;
Words left unwoven;
Tears left pouring
from the rim of an eye,
rolling on its lonesome.


With the tiptoeing, muffled door slams and volatile presence lurking around, it’s nostalgic of an era not so long ago. Yet still, I wonder if the furor is all for what? Is it worth the energy fidgeting on every unfounded detail just because you perceive yourself as one with the halo? Will it help to recreate the unclear past occurrences over and over again until you are exhausted? Will you soon go bonkers over the fact that the weeds devoured your precious orchids? It was you who ignited this…upright Hestia within earshot reminding Zeus to pay it off pay it off pay it pay it off like a broken record. Zeus was silent. That’s just sad. So…will you Alecto rise up to the occasion? Will you mourn for the loss of your name? I believe not. I am not keen on such shallowness nor of such juvenile behavior. Well, at least not to those who do not matter to me. Have you peeked at the skies lately?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

the dove that never came back...

I found a's left wing wounded...its span it cannot stretch...
i took the dove...set a splinter for its wounded wing...wrapped it in white cloth...
i fed the dove...gave it all it needed...made sure it dwelt only on the best abode...
and then...
its wound healed...the time came for me to let it spread its span again...the time came for me to let it fly again...
i raised it up high...aiming for it to hover...but it did want to spread its wings...and instead came resting back at my bosom...
but i wanted it to learn to fly again...i wanted it to soar again...
i raised the it the kind of assurance that only us two can understand...
and then...
it started to spread its wings...fluttered them with pride like it never had...
it started on its flight...soared up high at once...
and then...
i started to clap...i started to whistle...i started to clap and whistle...
but it would not would not hear my yells...
the dove flew...away...and away...and away...
it would not come back...
it did not come back...
why? would it have stayed if i did not teach it to fly? would it still be with me if i did not let it fly? why?
ah...i could only wonder...i would never know...for it had now idled on the arms of another...
tranquil and still...
i just wished i did not find...that dove that never came back...